Friday, August 20, 2010

Last Minute Push...

Ryan took this weekend off and decided to take advantage of being off today to make one last big push to get as much done as possible before heading to the hills. Some people, including Ryan, do anything to get out of work! With that said, not much is going to get done as far as the house goes between tomorrow (Sat.) and Thursday, except for the drywall...

The soffit work continues...

and the back part of the house is now fully sided. It's an easy job, but very, very time consuming. Especially when you have to cut, bend, etc. the metal to go around the beams.

The insulation guys showed up today, to finish the insulation now that the drywall has been hung.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Soffit and Siding...

The drywall continues and more soffit and siding is installed. There is almost as much soffit to install as siding because of our big porch! The soffit is a bit slower process, but none the less it's a job that must be done! How much is he going to get done before tomorrow night?

Can you believe it? Ryan is magic and can walk on the side of the house...who knew? Haha!

The heat is definately on getting as much done on the house as possible. Why?...because the long awaited, BIG archery hunt starts Saturday AM and Ryan will be gone until next Thursday, just in time to go back to work Friday. For him not just off work, but a week off housework! The mighty hunter and his priorities... :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Siding Picked Up...

As the drywall progress continues, the siding wait ends. Ryan and his daddy went and picked up the siding today and then finished the soffit and facia on the back of the house .

The color matches the windows almost perfectly! Ryan wanted the siding to be one color and then the facia and soffit darker than the siding, like most houses...but lucky me, I won!!! It's all one color! Phew!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

...More Drywall...

From here until the drywall is complete there is going to be little noticeable change since the work is layer upon layer of the same thing! It is a very important part in the home building step and I think the guy that is doing it is a winner! It looks great for finishing drywall!

Lots of lines and stripes everywhere!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Looking More Livable...

One and a half days of work and the hanging of the drywall is complete! They finished the kitchen/family room, staircase, laundry/mudroom, living room, masterbedroom, master bedroom/closet. If you couldn't really imagine it before, you certainly can now! All of the rooms now have definition. I'm lovin' it!

Did I mention how well they cleaned their mess up? If there wasn't sheets of drywall on the walls, you probably wouldn't even know they had been there! That made me very happy!

The time consuming part of the drywall job starts tomorrow...

Taping Begins...

Well, today the taper arrived and that part of the drywall begins...

The siding is ordered so in a few days, that fun begins!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ceilings And Walls...

Today was a very busy day so neither of us went to the house until it was dark...however, when we walked in we could tell that the drywall in the spare bath, bedroom, pantry and all the ceilings downstairs were hung! Yay!

...just another step closer!