for the front part of the porch. They filled the area in with dirt from what they took out from our addition as well as a job Justin is doing. Yay for less concrete to pour!
Thank goodness for the skid steer, it saves a lot of time. There are so many steps to take in order to get ready for a pour... fill, compact, level out, install rebar, even out lines, check, check and check again to make sure it is all level, etc. After all that, then the forms can be set, which will come first thing in the morning. I am sure tomorrow will come quick enough!
I was informed tonight that for our first meal when we move in Ryan wants prime rib and lobster. I would say that is quite the trade. He works on the house for many long hours and months and I cook for a few hours. I'll take it...what a steal of a deal!
:) ANNNND one of the "tricks" that one of my aunts told me about when we got married was that if you put everything into your own serving dishes, then your husband may even believe that the take out was home cooked! I can't even begin to tell you how green with envy I am... :)